Expire bientôt Provideup

Communication Specialist - professionnal networking app

  • Stage
  • Entre 4 et 6 mois
  • Paris (Paris)
  • Community Management
  • Empathie
  • curieux
  • anglais professionnel
  • envie d'apprendre

Description de l'offre

Context :

We are a professional matchmaking service that matches users who share professional interests and business needs. We help users master professional networking and create new valuable connections that can boost their businesses and careers.

The company is particularly passionate about helping large communities of users to better discover the other members of the group. Think of your alumni group, expat groups or ex-employees of a large company. We give members a reason to connect and say hello to each other by using matching algorithms to suggest the people you should know. The product consists of an iOS app, Android app and admin dashboard.

We are seeking a stagiare to help us with communications which covers :

Defining a communication strategy
Community Management
Social Media (twitter, facebook, linkedin)
Content Creation
Communication Management for our large communities - we help them to achieve the engagment they want by sharing best practices and documents for how they can roll out the solution)

Profil recherché

We seek somebody who is :

Fluent in English
Passionate about communities
Understands the value of professional networking
Loves to learn
Curious - as we discover our repeatable marketing and sales strategies, we need to figure out what works

Our office is situated in the La Pepiniere 27 incubator in Bastille, an awesome space of 100 startups that has super open working spaces, office rooms, table tennis, gym
We do a work week once every 3 months somewhere warm !
We have just raised a round of investment and are growing our team

À propos de Provideup

ProvideUP vous aide dans vos recherches de CDI, CDD, stages, alternances ou missions freelances. 

De nombreuses entreprises nous confient leurs recherches de candidats. 

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Le petit + ? Une formation gratuite en ligne d'un mois à l'inscription !  🤓

Faire de chaque avenir une réussite.
  • Annuaire emplois
  • Annuaire entreprises
  • Événements