Les offres de “CEA”

Expire bientôt CEA

R&D Post-doctoral Position: Development of point of care device on paper for diagnosis H/F

  • Grenoble (Isère)
  • Conception / Génie civil / Génie industriel

Description de l'offre

Détail de l'offre

Informations générales

Entité de rattachement

Le Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) est un organisme public de recherche.

Acteur majeur de la recherche, du développement et de l'innovation, le CEA intervient dans le cadre de ses quatre missions :
. la défense et la sécurité
. l'énergie nucléaire (fission et fusion)
. la recherche technologique pour l'industrie
. la recherche fondamentale (sciences de la matière et sciences de la vie).

Avec ses 16000 salariés -techniciens, ingénieurs, chercheurs, et personnel en soutien à la recherche- le CEA participe à de nombreux projets de collaboration aux côtés de ses partenaires académiques et industriels.



Description de l'unité

CEA/LETI/Healthcare department is a 150+ people division devoted to the development and industry transfer of micro- and nano- technologies in the biology and healthcare fields (Leti-Health, http://www-leti.cea.fr/en). Closely with hospital universities and institutions of higher education, the Healthcare Department develops new technologies to improve medical diagnosis and treatment of patients and works in a multidisciplinary environment at the chemistry/biology interface, in an applied research laboratory linking basic research and industrial transfer of technologies.

Délai de traitement

2 mois

Description du poste





Intitulé de l'offre

R&D Post-doctoral Position: Development of point of care device on paper for diagnosis H/F

Sujet de stage

Post-doctoral fellow will be part of a European project (H2020, Innpaper). Innpaper is a project in the printed electronics field, which is designing

Durée du contrat (en mois)


Description de l'offre

Many activities of Leti-Health focused on point of care (POC) devices. In particular, this project aims at developing POC device based on smart paper to detect viruses and bacteria in biological samples. This device should prepare the sample and diagnose quickly the presence of infectious diseases by DNA amplification.
Based on our previous know-how, and thanks to his/her expertise, the post-doctoral fellow will take in charge the design, the manufacturing and the validation tests of paper POC device. (S)He will also work in close interactions with biologists and electrochemists for the further evaluation of the POC device (choice of DNA amplification method and type of printed-electrode…) to achieve a simple and fast diagnostic tools. The efficiency of diagnosis will be evaluated and compared to traditional reference methods.

Profil recherché

Profil du candidat

Applicants should hold a Master of Sciences and/or PhD in microfluidic, biotechnology or bioengineering. A background in electrochemistry, molecular biology or paper materials should be really appreciated. Experimental rigor and ability to work in a cross-disciplinary environment (collaborative, EU and industrial projects) in connection with biologists, chemists and industrial is absolutely required. Good skills in English.

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