Expire bientôt Numberly (1000mercis group)

RTB Data Scientist - Intern

  • Stage
  • Entre 1 et 3 mois
  • Paris (Paris)
  • Marketing
  • marketing
  • data scientist

Description de l'offre

Numberly helps its customers collect, analyze and leverage their data across all marketing channels. To do this, we are more than 100 engineers (a quarter of Numberly) divided into teams with a human dimension, where we ensure that everyone develops a positive influence and can be autonomous. Our sustained growth forces us to constantly question our technical and organizational choices.

With seven offices worldwide and clients in more than fifty countries, our challenges are global.

Due to our wide range of interconnected products, our technical challenges are very varied and often complex. Our daily missions consist of processing thousands of requests per second, distributed throughout the world, operating databases of several petabytes (Big Data™), automating our entire bare-metal infrastructure, and building the digital marketing interfaces of tomorrow.

Profil recherché

Job Description

We hire Data Scientist interns to work on innovative projects in the field of Real-Time Bidding.

Your job will be to help our team to optimize Digital Marketing campaigns using Applied Mathematics and Machine Learning: in a competitive R&D team you will have to design new algorithms using your knowledge and analytical skills in order to face new business challenges.

Position summary:

You will take part in elaboration, optimization and development of machine-learning algorithms, to improve the efficiency of Numberly’s Relationship Marketing Programs (examples of issues we are working on in RTB: scoring, ranking, clustering of CRM databases, predictive algorithms...)

You will contribute to the design and development business intelligence and data visualization tools  for our clients

You will help to develop a new approach of marketing: people based marketing

You will have access to large datasets to build supervised or unsupervised algorithms:

*  behavioral and declarative data collected in real time
* thousands of socio-demographic variables on millions of individuals
* transactional data collected by our clients…



* Quantitative studies like Economics, Statistics, Engineering, or IT

* Specialization in Applied Mathematics, algorithms, Machine Learning

* Experience with Big Data tools like Hadoop, Hive, Python, SQL Server, MongoDB, R, Matlab…

* Highly motivated, intellectually curious, strongly interested in the digital industry

* Start-uo spirit, capable at multi-tasking and prioritizing workload  

* Excellent communication skills, strong motivation to work in a fast growing company in an international environment

Technical environment in Numberly:

* MySQL, HBase, Pig, Spark, memcached

* Processing asynchrone, message queuing, Node.js

* Flask, Django, gevent

* Gentoo Linux

Additional Information

Even with 500 people we like to spend time together!

Participate to “Happy Meetings’” where we share the Group’s news with everyone from around the world

Go to yoga classes, cross-training, barbecues, internal parties...

Find the most incredible fancy costume for the next party!

À propos de Numberly (1000mercis group)

Le Groupe 1000 Mercis créé en février 2000 par Yseulys Costes et Thibaut Munier est le pionnier de la publicité et du marketing interactifs. Basé à Paris, Lyon, Londres et New York, il permet aux entreprises d'optimiser leurs actions de conquête et de fidélisation grâce aux médias interactifs tels que Internet, les téléphones mobiles ou les tablettes. Son offre couple conquête de nouveaux clients et fidélisation ainsi qu'une offre de retargeting par email. Ses domaines d'activités sont divers : voyage, grande consommation, distribution spécialisée, banque et assurances... Le groupe compte parmi ses clients SFR, Sephora, Google, Club Med, Nestlé, Canal + ou encore BNP Paribas. Le chiffre d'affaires de 1000 Mercis s’élevait à 36,4 million d'euros en 2012. La société vient d'acquérir Matiro, le pionnier du Trading en Real Time Bidding. 1000 Mercis a été classé 2ème au classement des PME les plus rentables en France et est côté sur le marchélternext by NYSE Euronext.

Faire de chaque avenir une réussite.
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