Expire bientôt Numberly (1000mercis group)

iOS Engineer

  • CDI
  • Paris 9e Arrondissement (Paris)
  • Marketing
  • iOS
  • Engineer
  • Marketing

Description de l'offre

The story began in a kitchen in the year 2000, then it's the IPO followed by acquisitions, a double-digit growth and here we are!

We are pioneers of Data Marketing, recognised experts in digital CRM and Programmatic Marketing. We handle everything from data collection to activation on all digital platforms (mobile, desktop, tablets and connected objects).

As of today, we are a strong team of 500 employees. Based in San Francisco, New York, London, Dubai, Amsterdam, Tel Aviv. Our R&D focused teams are based in Paris.

Alongside Alternext (ALMIL.PA), 1000mercis devotes more than 10% of its turnover to R&D, particularly in the field of machine learning, and has won the "Innovative Company" qualification of BPI France.

Join our success story.

More information on www.1000mercis.com

Profil recherché

Job Description

What you’ll do
* Work closely with our product and design teams to create a great Applications for the iOS platform

* Prototype new and redesign features

* Strong coding abilities and experience with Swift, Objective-C and iOS SDK

* A focus on UI design principles and making apps work intuitively

* Contribute best-in-class programming skills to develop highly innovative, consumer-facing mobile products


Who you are
* You have an experience of building iOS applications in Swift using iOS SDK

* You have a deep understanding of modern iOS development.

* You have a strong understanding of object-oriented software development

* You know how to write readable, maintainable, performant object-oriented Swift.

* You are experienced with iOS development tools.

* You care about quality and you know what it means to ship high-quality code.

* You have released at least one app or have a project in the works that you can tell us about.

* You have at least 3 years experience building iOS applications

* Open source experience is a huge plus!

Additional Information

Even with 500 people we like to spend time together!
* Participate to “Happy Meetings’” where we share the Group’s news with everyone from around the world
* Get to know your  “Jedi Master”, your ‘go to guy’ when you arrive
* Go to yoga classes, cross-training, barbecues, internal parties...
* Find the most incredible fancy costume for the next party

À propos de Numberly (1000mercis group)

Le Groupe 1000 Mercis créé en février 2000 par Yseulys Costes et Thibaut Munier est le pionnier de la publicité et du marketing interactifs. Basé à Paris, Lyon, Londres et New York, il permet aux entreprises d'optimiser leurs actions de conquête et de fidélisation grâce aux médias interactifs tels que Internet, les téléphones mobiles ou les tablettes. Son offre couple conquête de nouveaux clients et fidélisation ainsi qu'une offre de retargeting par email. Ses domaines d'activités sont divers : voyage, grande consommation, distribution spécialisée, banque et assurances... Le groupe compte parmi ses clients SFR, Sephora, Google, Club Med, Nestlé, Canal + ou encore BNP Paribas. Le chiffre d'affaires de 1000 Mercis s’élevait à 36,4 million d'euros en 2012. La société vient d'acquérir Matiro, le pionnier du Trading en Real Time Bidding. 1000 Mercis a été classé 2ème au classement des PME les plus rentables en France et est côté sur le marchélternext by NYSE Euronext.

Faire de chaque avenir une réussite.
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