Sofia Sharapova - WIZBII Sofia Sharapova a publié son profil professionnel sur WIZBII. S S

Sofia Sharapova

32 ans • Barcelona


A creative, achievement-orientated and entrepreneurial individual is looking for a job in an appropriate company to build on the experience gained during five years of studying economics, business, and accounting in two different universities and also during different work experiences.


University of the West of Scotland (UWS)

2011 - 2015 Paisley, Renfrewshire, UK, PaisleyVentes, Gestion de projet / Produit, Direction d'entreprise, RH / Formation, Hôtellerie - Restauration, Evénementiel, Marketing, Comptabilité / Contrôle de gestion, Juridique, Conception / Génie civil / Génie industriel, Conseil
Faire de chaque avenir une réussite.
  • Annuaire emplois
  • Annuaire entreprises
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