Chethan Shetty - WIZBII Chethan Shetty a publié son profil professionnel sur WIZBII. C S

Chethan Shetty


Myself Chethan kumar, completed my B. Com from Bangalore and I am interested in the job offered. I have previous experience in Sales, Marketing, Operations Team leader, Operations Assistant Manager, Customer Handling and Fleet Manager. Currently working as an Operations Sr. Team Manager for an reputed fund raising organisation (Health First India) in Bangalore. I am a dynamic person and passionate to work with organisation, not just for salary, i want a learning and supportive environment to nurture my talents and to give my best to a organisation


Senior Team Manager

- Services à la personne

Operations Team Lead

- Comptabilité / Contrôle de gestion


Bangalore University, Bangalore, India

2004 - 2007 Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, BengaluruServices à la personne

Langues parlées

  • Anglais


Faire de chaque avenir une réussite.
  • Annuaire emplois
  • Annuaire entreprises
  • Événements