Expires soon Campusjäger By Workwise

Software Developer / Testing / Design /International (m/w/d)

  • Befristeter vertrag
  • Less than 1 month
  • Berling (Moselle)
  • IT development
  • C++

Job description

Deine Rolle

We are looking for intelligent, creative developers with a solid theoretical background. Developers we have hired in the past usually have an exceptional master's degree in computer science or even a doctorate. You will work largely independently and are responsible for the full range of activities when implementing a new feature. You should be able to view a problem from a user perspective and discuss abstract concepts with other developers. We expect each of our developers to take care of architecture, design, implementation, customer feedback, and troubleshooting, rather than sharing these activities among multiple people. This is how we give everyone control over their own work. We have no deadlines and no scheduled meetings. A feature is ready to be released if you are convinced that you have implemented the best possible solution. Meetings are held as needed, with only the people who are actually required to be present. At any point in the process, ideas, suggestions, and criticism from anyone in the hierarchy are welcome and are seriously considered. Your ideas are welcome, even if they mean that we have to change a lot of code to make things better. We have published several scientific articles in the fields of artificial intelligence and computer graphics, and we will encourage you to do the same. We sponsor conference visits and maintain close relationships with universities and research institutes in the United States and Germany. Our company promotes a healthy work-life balance. We do not work at night or on weekends and support the families of our employees with a full-time company nanny. It is available free of charge when children are sick or when you just want to go out for an evening. We pay very competitive salaries and offer our developers EUR 120,000 a year after one year of employment. If necessary, we will help you move to Berlin and do everything we can to help you obtain a work permit. You should be able to communicate effectively in German. when children are sick or when you just want to go out for an evening. We pay very competitive salaries and offer our developers EUR 120,000 a year after one year of employment. If necessary, we will help you move to Berlin and do everything we can to help you obtain a work permit. You should be able to communicate effectively in German. when children are sick or when you just want to go out for an evening. We pay very competitive salaries and offer our developers EUR 120,000 a year after one year of employment. If necessary, we will help you move to Berlin and do everything we can to help you obtain a work permit. You should be able to communicate effectively in German.

Unser Angebot

Do you believe in beauty when it comes to programming? Do you have a keen interest in elegant algorithms? Are you fluent in C ++? If so, we would like to get to know you. Here is our offer in brief:
- A wide range of extremely demanding C ++ development tasks
- An international team of brilliant minds
- A competitive salary from the start and an increase to EUR 120,000 annually after just one year
- A work environment that ensures that this team stays and grows
- Enough time to ensure that every detail of your solution is perfect
- A flat organization and a lot of space for your ideas
- No scheduled sessions
- Family-friendly working hours, no deadlines, no overtime
- Support with the relocation to Berlin
- Dog friendly office
- Fresh fruit, baked goods and drinks every day

Unsere Software

Our focus is on business transparencies (as opposed to more elaborate applications) because they offer great potential for automating layout tasks that are traditionally performed by PowerPoint users themselves. The challenges are numerous: from a solid understanding of what constitutes a good layout and what guidelines are followed by people who manually lay out, to algorithms that produce acceptable output quickly enough for an interactive slide design, to a graphical user interface, that supports our new, original approach to slide layout in an easy-to-understand, yet unobtrusive way, from solid technical solutions for automatic error reporting and automatic updates to compatibility with third-party software on the computers of half a million users. Here are some highlights of our work. Sprache
- Alles, was wir tun, ist C++. Sogar unser Kundenportal ist in C++ geschrieben. Es gibt etwas Assembler-Code, wo es notwendig ist, und unsere Build-Skripte sind in Python geschrieben, aber ansonsten dreht sich bei uns alles um C++.
- Natürlich verwenden wir in unserer gesamten Codebasis C++-Funktionen wie Lambdas und rvalue-Referenzen und sind zu C++17 gewechselt, wo unsere Compiler dies unterstützen.
- Wir finanzieren die Arbeitsgruppe für Programmiersprachen des Deutschen Instituts für Normung (DIN). Einige unserer Mitarbeiter sind Mitglieder dieses Ausschusses und stimmen im internationalen Standardisierungsprozess von ISO/IEC C++ mit.
- Wir sponsern die Standard C++ Foundation, die sie dabei unterstützt, das Verständnis und die Anwendung des modernen Standards C++ auf allen Compilern und Plattformen zu fördern.
- Wir verwenden Boost in unserem gesamten Code, z.B. Boost.Spirit zum Parsen.
- Wir haben unsere eigene Bereichsbibliothek, im gleichen Geist wie Boost.Range oder Eric Nieblers range-v3, gehen aber noch weiter, z.B. durch Vereinheitlichung der internen und externen Iteration. Wir haben einen Vortrag darüber gehalten, und der größte Teil des Codes ist öffentlich.
- Wir entwickeln unsere eigene plattformübergreifende Bibliothek, um Mac und Windows mit einer einzigen Codebasis zu unterstützen.
- Wir haben unsere eigenen Bibliotheken für Referenzzählung und Persistenz, um ganze Objektbäume zu speichern und wiederherzustellen.
- Wir verfügen über eine umfangreiche Infrastruktur zur Fehlerberichterstattung. Behauptungen und Fehlerprüfungen verbleiben im Veröffentlichungscode, und unsere Software meldet Fehler automatisch an unseren Server. Der Server analysiert den Fehler, kategorisiert ihn und legt ihn in einer Datenbank ab, auf die alle Entwickler zugreifen können. Wenn ein Update den Fehler behebt, kann der Benutzer das Update direkt von einer Fehlerantwort-Webseite herunterladen.
- Unser Unternehmen wurde auf der Idee eines Algorithmus für automatisches Folienlayout gegründet, und wir befinden uns noch immer auf einer spannenden Reise zu dieser ehrgeizigen Vision. Sie können unsere jüngste Veröffentlichung in Aktion sehen!
- Wir haben einen neuen Algorithmus für die automatische Beschriftung von Punktwolken entwickelt, der es ermöglicht, die Beschriftungen entfernt von den eigentlichen Punkten zu positionieren.
- Wir haben einen neuen Algorithmus für die automatische Beschriftung von Säulendiagrammen entwickelt.
- Wir arbeiten mit John Forrest - dem Autor des Linear Solver CLP - zusammen, um seinen Simplex-Code bei unserer Art von Problemen schneller zu machen.
- Wir haben viele generische Datenstrukturen entwickelt, die nicht in C++ oder Boost vorliegen, zum Beispiel Partitionen.
- Unsere Software erzeugt nicht nur Diagramme, sondern kann sie auch vom Papier zurücklesen. Für unser Diagrammerkennungstool setzen wir auf OpenCV und die Leptonica Image Processing Library.
Reverse Engineering
- We do a lot of reverse engineering with the Disassembler IDA from Hex-Rays to accomplish things that are not possible through the documented Microsoft Office API.
- We wrote what is probably the best function hooking engine out there. Every time we start our software, we patch the Microsoft Office executables in memory. Instead of hard coding patch addresses, we are looking for small chunks of assembler code to be prepared for minor changes in the executable files.

Interest? Then apply to us now via campus hunters!

Über uns

We are a fast moving software company based in Berlin, Germany that focuses on developing graphic products that stand out from the crowd. More than 750,000 users worldwide rely on our software for their daily work because it makes creating graphical presentations so much easier, faster and more enjoyable. Our clients include many well-known consulting companies and large international groups. We don't have to compromise on code quality and beauty because our company is profitable and has no outside investors. We are ready to go one step further by developing sophisticated algorithms and refining our user interface, and we are proud of our many satisfied customers. The fact,

Desired profile


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