Expire bientôt Numberly (1000mercis group)

Technical CRM Project Manager

  • Stage
  • Entre 1 et 3 mois
  • City of London (Greater London)
  • Marketing
  • marketing

Description de l'offre

Numberly, Marketing Technologist, puts data at the service of customer relations. The group enables companies to understand the needs of their prospects and customers as well as interact with each other in an efficient and relevant way.

With expertise in omnichannel orchestration, programmatic activation and conversational platforms, its experts develop and implement high-impact experiments.

With teams in Paris, London, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Montreal and New York, Numberly operates in more than 50 countries: the international group has been expanding for almost 20 years. More than 500 employees contribute every day to quality customer satisfaction and execution, remaining curious, agile and innovative, a state of mind that drives Numberly.

Profil recherché

Job Description

Numberly is looking for an operational eCRM Project Manager to join its team in London:

* Are you the one who organises nights out and holidays with your friends?

* Do you like finding solutions to problems?

* Are you a ‘tech addict’?

* Are you looking for a job in the fast pace world of the web and new technologies, where human contact is essential?

Then you are a technical eCRM Project Manager!

A true maestro, the department of operational eCRM Project Managers is positioned between the IT, data, marketing and graphic teams.

Orientated towards internal production, project managers are the driving force behind project progress. In charge of schedules as well as quality, they must be extremely rigorous in order to anticipate questions and aspects linked to the production development aspect of these projects. 

The different projects entail not only the management of simple or complex emailing campaigns, the implementation of data flow between different databases but also the development of internal projects in order to improve the efficiency of teams (software, process, tools…) and a performance review of Numberly’s clients' eCRM devices.

#RelationshipMarketing #OperationalMarketing #DirectMarketing #Database #WebMarketing #CRM #Data #Digital #CustomerCentric


As well as being easy to get along with, we will consider your application if:

* Considered as a crossroad for all teams, the project manager is able to conceptualise various technical/data environments, as well as effectively communicate those systems to non-technical team members (Marketing, creative, sales)

* Curious, the project manager likes to learn fast and understands how things work whether that be on a technical or marketing level.

* Lively, fast and adaptable, the work requires strong organisational skills. The project manager is a facilitator and a problem solver for teams and projects.

* A natural leader yet modest, one must be able to take a step back if their implication in the project is not necessary for it to be carried out successfully.

* Pedagogue and diplomatic, the project manager teaches and trains speakers in order to constantly improve quality.

À propos de Numberly (1000mercis group)

Le Groupe 1000 Mercis créé en février 2000 par Yseulys Costes et Thibaut Munier est le pionnier de la publicité et du marketing interactifs. Basé à Paris, Lyon, Londres et New York, il permet aux entreprises d'optimiser leurs actions de conquête et de fidélisation grâce aux médias interactifs tels que Internet, les téléphones mobiles ou les tablettes. Son offre couple conquête de nouveaux clients et fidélisation ainsi qu'une offre de retargeting par email. Ses domaines d'activités sont divers : voyage, grande consommation, distribution spécialisée, banque et assurances... Le groupe compte parmi ses clients SFR, Sephora, Google, Club Med, Nestlé, Canal + ou encore BNP Paribas. Le chiffre d'affaires de 1000 Mercis s’élevait à 36,4 million d'euros en 2012. La société vient d'acquérir Matiro, le pionnier du Trading en Real Time Bidding. 1000 Mercis a été classé 2ème au classement des PME les plus rentables en France et est côté sur le marchélternext by NYSE Euronext.

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